About a year ago I got a pond dug at the end of the garden. It's now looking nicely established. I got pond plants via Freecycle, which also brought snails. The snails have thrived, as have the plants. The banks created from the topsoil have been covered by mostly weeds, but ones that I want such as brunnera & forget-me-nots. I had a few bulbs, and there are a couple of arum lilies which I hope will have survived the winter.
The pond shape has worked out OK. One change I would make would be to lower the ridge slightly, as whenever the water level drops the liner is exposed, which isn't very attractive. However, I hope that eventually some weeds will grow over that.
A slight disappointment is the lack of frogs. I hoped for frogspawn this year. But after the snake incident last September, perhaps they've been scared away. I've seen one small one, so maybe more will find it eventually.
Rare Bird Alert News
*Bufflehead ad. drk* still at Loch of Hillwell.
Raining all day. Robin, 3 Blackb...
3 hours ago