Monday, 2 May 2011

Holiday time

So I've had 2 weeks & 1 day off work.  Tomorrow I'm going to an event in London, so will be back properly on Wednesday.

Sometimes doing nothing can seem very wasteful.  And it feels like I've not been very active during my break.  And in a bit of low part of the separation process, a grieving stage.  I've had to do some tidying up and have come across memories - cards, clothes, books.  So I want to take some positive thoughts out of the last couple of weeks, to remember that I don't have to be busy all the time, and that what I do is worthwhile.

So here's a quick list:
  • went birdwatching with Stan.  It was quiet bird-wise, but we did see a whitethroat which was a new one for him, and we heard a bittern which lots of people would love to do
  • Visited relatives in Wales.  Good to do
  • Some tidying and planting in the garden
  • Tidied the garage, and removed the rat mess.  Yuk that was very smelly
  • Done lots of cooking, including cakes for wildlife trust open garden yesterday
  • Had some nice walks
OK that's better than I thought.  I'm not reading much at the moment, but perhaps during my next break in 3 weeks (!) I'll get some done.

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