Thursday, 24 March 2011

Everybody out!

Today & Tuesday I've been on strike.  We're in dispute over changes to the pension scheme. Not opposed to changes,  but to the reduced benefits that are proposed.  Also asking for a national agreement on job security.  Going on strike really is a last resort.  Basically, you lose a day's pay, and all those people who don't strike benefit from any concessions that are obtained.  I've been on the picket line both days, which I was a bit nervous about beforehand.  Thought there might be just two of us, and that lots of people would just ignore us, or be hostile.  In fact, there were always around 4-5 of us at the different gates, and we had people coming and going all the time.  The weather was beautiful, and most people coming in were receptive, and supportive.

I suspect further action will be required, and it's going to get a lot harder each time.  However, today was good for meeting sound people who care about things.

Saturday I go on the march for the alternative  I'm looking forward to it, and hope it will go well & get lots of media coverage.  And will show the coalition that there is a lot of feeling against their programme of cuts.


Paul Youd said...

Good for you Rachel!

I saw you'd visited my blog and had a look at yours. You're right, no-one goes on strike lightly! Been there and done that (GCHQ dispute in the 80s). You forgot to mention that for every day you're on strike you lose a day's pension!

I'm also coming up from Taunton on Saturday - may see you there!:)

Looking for a big turn-out - and, as you say, lots of coverage!

It's going to be chilly after the last couple of days - 10 degrees and cloudy - so wrap up warm and carry lots of water!

Best wishes, Paul

Paul Youd said...

Damn! Forgot to say I'm also a UCU member! But, since I no longer work for the local college, it's difficult to go on strike!

I work about 10 hours a week these days - much of it private.

Cheers, Paul