Wednesday, 17 November 2010

We shall see...

So tomorrow I shall be having laser eye surgery, and will betray John Hegley by throwing away my glasses!

It does feel like betrayal, I've been a committed glasses wearer for so many years.  But the prospect of being able to birdwatch more easily, swim, exercise, and just get out of bed in the morning without reaching for vision is too much for me to resist.

The surgery itself only takes about 1 minute per eye, but I have to be there for 3 hours.  Then I don sunglasses, stumble out into Norwich & go to Col's, who's going to look after me :-)  I'll be off work on Friday, then should be fairly back to normal by Saturday afternoon, although I have to wear eyeshields (?!) for a week in bed.

And while I'm having my eyes zapped, Di is having her tumour excised & chucked away, bit bigger deal.  Must ask if the convalescence will include the cream cakes the pre-op time has.

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