Monday 9 May 2011

One step forward, one step back

Decided to document that though I'm not feeling more positive, I'm probably not feeling any worse.  So i'm stationary, which is better than going backwards.  On the negative side I'm still feeling a bit tearful quite often, and indecisive, useless blah blah blah.  On the positive side I have read a couple of books in the last few days, and although I feel tearful, most of the time I don't cry.  It's the inner monologue which is the problem, constantly trying to analyse what went wrong, and wishing things were 'normal' again. And I've got to recognise that often that inner voice is the same for many people in different circumstances, and it's just a case of telling it to shut up. So shut up!  And I shall feel good about regaining my interest in tv. with a dvd of the excellent Danish thriller 'The Killing' which is going to keep me going for a while.

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