Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Life as a dog owner

Well, I'm very pleased to say that we now have 2 dogs.  Logan & Chance, a 4 year old springer spaniel & 3 year old Jack Russell have come to us as their owner is seriously ill, and bravely asked for them to be rehomed.    They've come from Yorkshire, as I was checking the South Yorkshire English Springer Spaniel Rescue website for dogs, saw these two & thought that they looked a beautiful pair.  We brought them back on Saturday, and they are settling in incredibly well.  I've taken time off work so that they can get familiar with me & the house, but they are just so relaxed, it's wonderful.  We've met a few dogs out on walks, and despite being intact boys (until the end of the month) they aren't at all aggressive with other dogs.  They did a bit of  wee marking in the kitchen when they arrived, but this has stopped, and they haven't chewed or done anything remotely  naughty.

They are 2 lovely characters, and we're all very happy.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


It's 12.15am & tomorrow is the first day back at work after 2 weeks.  But as I've got used to going to bed later, and as there is a gale blowing very loudly outside I'm going to just be very tired tomorrow.

I found another lovely blog to follow today via the delightful & there was a kind of review of the year, remembering good things that had happened.  And also looking at a list of intentions & realising that she'd done more than she realised.

Now 2011 was a strange year as I've previously noted, but there were some lovely positives about it:

  • The pond thrived & even had baby newts
  • I had a couple of very good holidays - Portugal & France
  • I got to know 2 spaniels & their owner very well, and am now hoping to get a spaniel of my own
  • I discovered the sweet drawings of & also other treasures at Etsy
  • I had lots of new moths in my trap (which I released afterwards!)
  • I've done a lot of reading over the Christmas break which has been fulfilling
  • And I've had a very relaxing Christmas with L which I hope bodes well for the next year 

Now in September I set myself some goals.  Haven't done the exercise, haven't done the vegan meals.  Did manage to get a lot of locally-sourced Christmas presents.   So I shall reset the goals:
  • Exercise 15 mins a day 
  • Make a vegan meal a week
  • Get a dog (will help with first aim)
  • Keep proper moth records
  • Learn how to use new DSLR to take good photos
That'll do.
As you were.