Been off work this week, but feel like I need a holiday now to recover, as it's been busy, all in a positive way though.
Went to 2 gigs at the Waterfront love that venue. British Sea Power were superb. Definitely worth hearing live. And then the Go Team were very different but equally enjoyable. Their show is so energetic & fun, I loved dancing to it, haven't danced properly for years. Might try and do that more often, could aim for once every 2 months, that should be achievable.
Then I spent time with my nephew, niece & cousin's daughter. They came to stay at mine & we had great fun.
The end of the week I drove to Derbyshire to see Babs & Kate. Kate brought her 3 up from Hagley, and we adults caught up over Babs' delicious cooking. We realised that we've known each other now for 20 years this year! Seems incredible, I still think of them as recent friends.
Now it's a glorious day, although the wind is cold, and I'm thinking about doing a little bit in the garden, and thinking about holidays & enjoying life.
Rare Bird Alert News
*Bufflehead ad. drk* still at Loch of Hillwell.
Raining all day. Robin, 3 Blackb...
3 hours ago