It's been really interesting the last few weeks how there are overlaps between areas of my life, and how I've discovered them mainly via Twitter. I work in a university library. It wasn't a choice I made actively, I was 'restructured' into it, but as it's increasingly digital, and i'm interested in that I've developed that side of my role.
I've always been interested in communication, did a language degree, then speech therapy. Now with the internet there is a whole movement looking at science communication: sharing data, collaborating online, engaging with the public. So that's where some of my interests start to collide.
Then I follow the band British Sea Power, and Robin Ince the comedian, both of whom are promoting campaigns to save public libraries. Another collision.
Is it because Twitter makes it easier to find people with similar interests? Whatever the reason, I find it very satisfying, and productive.
Rare Bird Alert News
*Bufflehead ad. drk* still at Loch of Hillwell.
Raining all day. Robin, 3 Blackb...
3 hours ago