Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Things I love about spring

The snow seems to have gone now, and we've had some warmer days, although it's a bit variable. Since taking up birdwatching, spring is my favourite time of year, although trying to think of things I love about it I realise that it's more an overall sense of excitement and pleasure in the longer days, rather than specifics. But here goes, things I love about spring:
  • Return of the migrants - swallows, cuckoo, warblers
  • First bees buzzing around
  • In about a month's time enjoying English asparagus & new potatoes
  • Mini eggs
  • Lungwort blooming in our gravel garden
  • Frogs
  • Lambs
  • Planting seeds with high hopes of a vast crop of vegetables & flowers

Monday, 12 April 2010

A day of gardening

I've enjoyed the last day of my holiday mostly in the garden. It was dry, initially cool then short periods of warmth. The stray cat Mr Winter was sunbathing, and I got a nice photo of him. I've been fiddling with the pond a bit, added some stones and plants. There are now some diving beetles in there. Elsewhere I discovered a possible bee nest - holes in the ground that bees seem to be making. It was a good day pottering and listening to lots of Radio 4 and Guardian podcasts.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Easter update

Not done too well at keeping up with this. Might start to use it to log my moth trapping. Had the trap out twice overnight now, last week got 50 in there, which was hard work.

Excited about new pond , see left. Will be planting up the bank over next few weeks, and putting stuff to attract the frogs. Now the clocks have changed although weather is miserable, at least get bit more light after work for pottering around if it's not raining.