Sunday, 25 October 2009

Support the posties

I support the postal workers' strike, and sealed the letterbox on Friday in case of scab post. Fortunately no scabs were posted through our letterbox. What on earth are they supposed to do? It's a service - our friend who's a postman takes pride in chatting to the old ladies on his round, checking the house for people who're on holiday etc. His management are bullies, and this article sets out some of the problems.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Things I love about autumn

Wow, it's so mild lots of the things from summer still apply. But I'll add:
  • Fresh figs, chestnuts, blackberries
  • A chill in the air
  • Snuffling hedgehogs getting ready for hibernation
  • Fieldfares, redwings & mistle thrushes arrive
  • Autumn colours on the trees
  • Telly gets better! This month it's new Peep Show, new Curb, Tru Blood, Generation Kill

Keeping the faith

I find that using the internet to support causes and find like-minded people is something of an antidote to the depressing effects of the daily news. My glass half-empty approach means that despair is never far away when I hear about bank bonuses (full stop, when pay is frozen for most people), oil companies dumping toxic waste, developed world stalling on climate change yada yada yada. But little bits of engagement with this, talking to others, supporting web campaigns etc helps keep me sane.