Tuesday 28 July 2009


So I really want an iphone, or maybe a Blackberry, though that seems a bit corporate. My current mobile is 2 years old, and works fine. doesn't have a camera or internet connection, it's very simple. One thing stopping me upgrading is the environmental impact etc. I've now given it some thought, and realised that the compromise position is to wait until this phone packs in, and recycle it, but get a new whizzy exciting one then. I can wait.

Glad I've sorted that in my head.

1 comment:

Hugh said...

I would love an iPhone but it would be a bit silly really as I a) have a mobile but rarely use it and b) have a work Blackberry which does some of the things an iPhone does but I never actually use those features either. It just seems such a nice thing to have. Having one probably woudn't match expectations. Think big capacity iPod was a much better buy - and that rare acquisition which turned out as good - or perhaps even better - than hoped.